If you are unsure whether you are entitled to child or working tax credits, this article talks you through everything you need to know. The figures used in this article are correct for the 2015-2016 financial year.
Child Tax Credit
You are eligible for child tax credits for each child you are responsible for, under the age of 16 or under the age of 20 and in approved education or training. Every household differs as to how much tax credit one is entitled to. For 2015-2016, you could be entitled to a basic amount of £545 a year. This is known as the ‘family element’. You could be entitled to an extra amount depending on your income and circumstances including:
- Up to £2,780 for each child
- Up to £3,150 for each disabled child (on top of the child element)
- Up to £1,270 for each severely disabled child (on top of the child element and the disabled child element)
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